
An elephant Standing or moving with head held well above shoulders, and, with Chin-Up and Eyes-Open looking down at her adversary over the tusks with ears maximally forward (Ear-Spreading). Standing-Tall the elephant appears to increase in size and sometimes will deliberately stand upon an object such as a log or anthill (Attain-Higher-Ground) in order to increase its height.

Elephants normally stand or move about with their eyes cast down - a direct gaze with Eyes-Open is a component of many displays. This posture is often used toward non-elephant threats, such as predators and people, as in ‘I’ve got you in my sights, so watch it.’

All age/sex groups will engage in Standing-Tall.

References: Douglas-Hamilton 1972: ch 6; Poole 1982, 1987a, 1987b, 1987c, 1999a; Kahl & Armstrong 2000; Langbauer 2000; Poole & Granli 2003; Poole & Granli 2004; Poole & Granli 2011. (Full reference list)

This behavioral constellation includes the following behaviors: Chin-Up, Ear-Spreading, Look-At and occurs in the following context(s): Aggressive, Conflict & Confrontation, Social Play


Context: Conflict & Confrontation (1)

gm0016 suddenly gets spooked by the presence of the vehicle and moves away while Standing-Tall - Ear-Spreading, Chin-Up - and pauses to Look-At the vehicle. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)


Context: Conflict & Confrontation (2)

gm0009 responds to the vehicle by moving away and Standing-Tall - Ear-Spreading, Chin-Up and Look-At. With is lame hind leg he likely has reason to be apprehensive and he Touches-Self. Toward the end of the clip he looks to be about to Throw-Debris. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)


Context: Conflict & Confrontation (3)

The C family is feeding. Something happens that we can't see and a calf get alarmed and starts to move toward its mother. As the clip begins the camera pans out and we see gf0080 Standing-Tall facing the camera. She looks to be on her way to retrieve her infant. She Look-At the camera with Ears-Spread and Chin-Up. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)


Context: Conflict & Confrontation (4)

Aloisio walks to the top of the hill and then threatens us by Standing-Tall (Look-At, Ear-Spreading, Chin-Up). He Advances-Toward us in a kind of lunging movement, then he stands Contemplating us and then begins Displacement-Feeding. He has Ear-Secretion. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)


Context: Conflict & Confrontation (5)

We drive in toward a family that turns out to be gf0073 et al. The camera goes in and out of focus while we see a wall of elephants Group-Charging with gf0073 in the lead. She Charges toward us and then Stands-Tall and then Head-Dips and Sashays as others arrive Trumpeting (no audio, unfortunately). gf0074 also Head-Dips-Touch-Ground and gf0075 does a violent Head-Dip in threat. They Freeze Standing-Tall. Then gf0073 takes two steps back, Head-Swings twice (gf0075 also) and does a slight Head-Dip with a back step. This seems to be a signal to gf0074 to turn. She and calves then retreat. But gf0073 Stands-Tall with a Sashay and gf0075 steps forward with another double Head-Dip so violent that her ears flap hard against her body in an obvious threat display. She has moved almost abreast of gf0073 and then Head-Shakes. She begins a series of 6 Head-Swings as she takes steps backwards. She is full view now. We can't see gf0073, who is out of shot on the right. All the others are behind gf0075 in the forest facing away. The clip ends here. The behaviors making up Standing-Tall (Ear-Spreading, Chin-Up and Look-At) are marked on the clip for female gf0075. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)


Context: Conflict & Confrontation (6)

G7 threatens the car by Standing-Tall (Ear-Spreading, Look-At and Chin-Up). Note the Head-Dip-Touch-Ground. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)


Context: Conflict & Confrontation (7)

Mwana Nzo has just moved up smartly to sniff the scent of our tire tracks. She sniffs and then Stands-Tall (Ear-Spreading, Chin-Up, Look-At) looking at Kate’s/Greg’s car x 2 and then sniffs again and decides, correctly, that the tire tracks belong to us. As the clip begins she turns on us Standing-Tall and then begins a what looks like a Charge but is only a few steps in a Bow-Neck-Advance movement and then Kick-Dust. She reconsiders and begins Backing-Away and Touches-Ground. She turns and leads a Full-Retreat and adopts the Rear-Guard, Standing-Tall and turning to Look-Back. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)


Context: Conflict & Confrontation (8)

G7 threatens the car by Standing-Tall (Ear-Spreading, Look-At and Chin-Up). (Gorongosa, Mozambique)


Context: Conflict & Confrontation (9)

Mwana Nzo has just been alerted to a problem and comes from the center of the group Standing-Tall. She walks forward to inspect and the family Bunches around her. She Stands-Tall (Ear-Spreading, Chin-Up, Look-At). (Gorongosa, Mozambique)


Context: Conflict & Confrontation (10)

G7 threatens the car by Standing-Tall (Ear-Spreading, Look-At and Chin-Up). (Gorongosa, Mozambique)


Context: Conflict & Confrontation (11)

The Mabenzi family are moving along the forest edge. Mabenzi matriarch, Provocadora, gf0012, comes to the fore of the group to and considers us. She is greeted by a younger member of the family and then continues to Contemplate us. She Stands-Tall - Chin-Up and Look-At. She does not spread her ears - and rarely does - perhaps because one is crumpled. She does a bit of Displacement-Feeding and then raises her head again and stands with a J-Trunk. She moves her trunk into a Periscope-Trunk posture but then continues to Displacement-Grooming. The behavior in this clip precedes a Perpendicular-Walk through which she initiates a Group-Advance. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)


Context: Conflict & Confrontation (12)

A family group is walking down hill and then two females turn to face the vehicle and briefly adopt a Standing-Tall posture before proceeding. Note that one females (left) Head-Dip-Touch-Ground before Standing-Tall. (Maasai Mara, Kenya)


Context: Conflict & Confrontation (13)

A day old male infant sees the vehicle and walks toward it Standing-Tall and Ear-Spreading. (Maasai Mara, Kenya)


Context: Conflict & Confrontation (14)

Iphengenia, gf0046, has just Charged out vehicle. She stops and Stands-Tall and then Back-Towards the rest of the family, presumably to initiate Bunching. She stands between gf0048 and gf0049. Iphegenia and gf0049 stand Head-Swinging and Standing-Tall as they confront us. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)


Context: Conflict & Confrontation (15)

Musth male, Rui, stands Listening and then Advances-Toward us while Ear-Spreading. He walks to a termite mound to Attain-Higher-Ground and Stands-Tall. Notice how he Head-Dip-Touch-Ground before going up the mound. On the mound he stands Foot-Lifting before he Head-Dip-Touch-Ground and goes back off the mound. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)


Context: Conflict & Confrontation (16)

As gf0049 of the I family walks along she turns toward us and Stands-Tall. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)


Context: Conflict & Confrontation (17)

This clip is taken from a longer sequence of behavior of the I family. As the clip starts matriarch iJunia, gf0005, has slowed her Charge to a Bow-Neck-Advance-Toward. She takes the lead with Isabella, gf0038, by her side and a tiny baby in tow. Someone gives a Trumpet-Blast and iJunia Head-Dips. They stop near us and Isabella reaches Trunk-to-Mouth to iJunia. They Bunch facing us Standing-Tall and Head-Swinging and iJunia Head-Dip-Touch-Ground. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)


Context: Conflict & Confrontation (18)

Emilie, gf0161, is frightened by something and Stands-Tall. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)


Context: Conflict & Confrontation (19)

Matriarch, gf0223, with a long right tusk, Orients-Toward and Looks-At the vehicle Chin-Up, Ears-Spread - Standing-Tall in a threatening posture. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)


Context: Conflict & Confrontation (20)

Iphigenia Advances-Toward us and adopts one of her classic Standing-Tall postures. Then she turns and walks to the right, still with Chin-Up and engages in Displacement-Grooming throwing Dust on herself. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)


Context: Conflict & Confrontation (21)

A medium sized male is watching Esau approach and when he turns away he notices that one of us is outside the vehicle. He Looks-At him, Standing-Tall, and then turns and Runs-Away Looking-Back. Elephants in Amboseli are very tolerant of vehicles but not people on foot. (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Calf Reassurance & Protection (1)

Out of view Mama Little E is feeding and then hears something or becomes aware of something that concerns her. She Head-Shakes and then turns and walks away with Little E. As the clip begins, allomother, Lorato, was alerted by whatever it was that concerned Mama Little E and she stops feeding and walks toward Mama Little E and Little E with her head raised and Ears-Stiff. She stops and turns toward the filmmakers (as if they are the problem) and acting as a Rear-Guard, she places herself between the perceived threat and the infant, Standing-Tall, Chin-Up Ear-Spreading, Head-Swinging. (Maasai Mara, Kenya)


Context: Aggressive (1)

This is an excerpt from an Escalated Contest between two males that lasted close to three hours. At this stage they have already engaged in 3 bouts of Dueling. During this particular clip the aggressor - the male on the right Advances-Toward the male on the left and there is a stand-off, neither one willing to fully take on the other. The broken tusked male is the more aggressive, but the male on the left looks slightly larger and stands in an expectant posture with his Chin-Out. His Chin-Out posture then changes to a Stand-Tall. When he takes two steps toward the broken-tusked male, the broken-tusked male Backs-Away and Head-Shakes. (Amboseli, Kenya)