Family group rushing toward an adversary, predator or perceived threat en masse in a highly coordinated manner and with hostile intent. In an Attacking & Mobbing context Group-Advance may be preceded by Freezing, Periscope-Trunk, Bunching, Head-Swinging, Standing-Tall, Reach-Touch and Rumbling.
A Group-Advance is often the result of Coalition Building. Initiating individual(s) may rapidly approach their companion(s) coming along side her/them in parallel or face-to-face, they may vocalise in chorus, while High-Fiving - Rapid-Ear-Flapping, sometimes with Tusk-Clicking, Trunk-Twining and engaging in reciprocal Trunk-to-Mouth. Then, in unison, they Group-Advance toward the affronting individual.
In a Group-Advance against another group of elephants, it is typically an older female, often the matriarch, initiating the coming to aid of a younger family member who may have been kidnapped or attacked.
References: Poole 1996; Poole & Granli 2003; Poole & Granli 2011. (Full reference list)
This behavioral constellation includes the following behaviors: Advance-Toward, Ear-Spreading and occurs in the following context(s): Aggressive, Attacking & Mobbing