
Standing or moving with head held well above shoulders, chin tucked in (Chin-In), so that the elephant looks squarely at its adversary with ears and tusks held more perpendicular to the ground. Typically, the ears are maximally forward (Ear-Spreading). This posture is used primarily to threaten other elephants, particularly by males in musth.

References: Eisenberg, McKay & Jainudeen 1971; Poole 1982: 77 & illustration 4.7, Moss 1983; Poole 1987a; Poole 1987b; Poole 1987c; Poole 1988; Poole 1992; Poole 1996: 75, 77; Poole 1997; Poole & Granli 2003; O’Connell-Rodwell et al 2011 [Head held up]. (Full reference list)

This behavior occurs in the following context(s): Advertisement & Attraction, Aggressive, Submissive


Context: Aggressive (1)

The young male has just tested (Trunk-to-Genitals) a female. Then, as this clip begins he turns and threatens another female and Supplants her at a tree she was feeding on. He (right) starts his threat with slight Ear-Flap-Slide, Advancing-Toward her Ear-Folding at her while he Reaches-High and touches her tusk. The female (left), likewise Advances-Toward him with Head-High and Ears-Folded. She Forward-Trunk-Swings at him. After the clip ends she Backs-Away and then Orients-Away and Retreat-From. (Maasai Mara, Kenya)


Context: Aggressive (2)

Throughout an Escalated-Contest between Tee-Jay and Gordon, Tee-Jay really holds Head-High and Chin-in posture and Ear-Folds persistently. In this short clip Tee-Jay Advances-Toward Gordon with Head-High, Chin-In and Lunges twice at Gordon as they Tusk-Clank in a Duel. Tee-Jay forces Gordon back, but after they separate Gordon Advances-Toward Tee-Jay, stil with Head-High and Chin-In Backs-Away. Gordon Head-Shakes and Tee-Jay circles around and comes to face him again. (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Aggressive (3)

Tee-Jay and Gordon, both in musth, have been engaged in an Escalated-Contest. But when Paolo, also in musth, appears they turn to look at him in anticipation. When Paolo is about 50 m away both males turn to face him, Waiting for him with some visible apprehension. Gordon is Foot-Lifting and holds his trunk under. Paolo walks toward them with Head-High, Chin-In in a very dominant posture while Tee-Jay's bravado has changed and he Waits for Paolo with Trunk-Toward and his chin further out than earlier. Paolo continues to Advance-Toward them and at about 3 m Tee-Jay Backs-Away. Both males reach Periscope-Trunks toward Paolo and Retreat-From. Paolo's arrival breaks up the fight, whether purposefully or not. (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Submissive (1)

Leroy meets a group of elephants heading to Lenkolong. There is another large male in the group and Leroy faces him Head-High and Ears-Folded. Although the male appears smaller with much shorter tusks, Leroy is afraid and Orients-Away and Retreats-From. During all the weeks that we worked in this area of the park Leroy kept to himself, avoiding other elephants and seeming fearful of other males and we wondered why. (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Advertisement & Attraction (1)

A medium sized male has just been displaced by this musth male who is testing Angelina. She has just given birth and he is assessing what her reproductive state is. We see him Flehmen and even Push against her almost as if he might Drive her. He Ear-Folds repeatedly at the medium sized male who stands a little distance away watching. At one point we see him draw himself up in a real Head-High, Chin-In musth posture and he does a little "Kick-Dust" as the other male. (Amboseli, Kenya)