The traditional bullhook used to control an elephant in Thailand (Photo credit Robert Poole). ElephantVoices' standpoint is that this instrument contributes to misery for elephants held captive, for with it elephants are trained and controlled. In August Joyce will travel to Washington DC to give her deposition the case against Ringling Brothers for its treatment of elephants. Preparations have taken literally months of work. Joyce is also likely to go back in October when the court case takes place. The basis for all of the contributions we make toward the interests of elephants is our long term studies of wild elephants.

Some people try to argue that elephants held captive are different from wild elephants because they are domesticated. There are two uses of the term domesticated - one meaning "of the household" and the other a biological one. It is the biological one that is important and in this sense there is no such thing as domesticated elephants. All species of modern elephants are capable of being - and routinely have been - habituated and tamed by humans. They remain, nevertheless, wild animals.