Here you can read and download reports from ElephantVoices' elephant conservation initiative in Maasai Mara, Kenya, Elephant Partners. The project was initiated in 2011 - read more about it here. The project was, to a large extent, made possible by a three year grant from the JRS Biodiversity Foundation.
Mara ecosystem connectivity: Information on elephant population status and movements for spatial planning and conservation in Narok County. Published April 2016
The report presents findings of a collaborative study of elephants in the Maasai Mara ecosystem by ElephantVoices, Save the Elephants, Mara Elephant Project and Kenya Wildlife Service, and offers recommendations for the attention of Narok County. It contributes information about the status of elephants in the ecosystem, their movement patterns and habitat use for consideration in the county’s spatial planning process. The report lays emphasis on the need for urgent intervention to secure critical routes and habitats for long-term survival of elephants and to prevent escalating human elephant conflict and declining biodiversity.
High-res version, 7mb.
Mara ecosystem connectivity: Information on elephant population status and movements for spatial planning and conservation in Narok County. Published April 2016
The report presents findings of a collaborative study of elephants in the Maasai Mara ecosystem by ElephantVoices, Save the Elephants, Mara Elephant Project and Kenya Wildlife Service, and offers recommendations for the attention of Narok County. It contributes information about the status of elephants in the ecosystem, their movement patterns and habitat use for consideration in the county’s spatial planning process. The report lays emphasis on the need for urgent intervention to secure critical routes and habitats for long-term survival of elephants and to prevent escalating human elephant conflict and declining biodiversity.
Compressed version, figures still decent quality, 3.8 mb.