Using the axis of the body to point in the direction an elephant wishes to travel. To be considered Body-Axis-Pointing this posture must be associated with other behaviors such as Intention-Movements (e.g. Foot-Swinging, Foot-Lifting, Waiting, Walk-Wait, Ear-Flap-Slide) or Let’s-Go-Rumbling. Body-Axis-Pointing is most often observed among adult and adolescent females. While males also engage in Body-Axis-Pointing it is less demonstrative than among females.
References: Poole 2011. (Full reference list)
This behavioral constellation includes the following behaviors: Ear-Flap-Slide, Foot-Lifting, Foot-Swinging, Lets-Go-Rumble, Waiting, Walk-Wait and occurs in the following context(s): Movement, Space & Leadership