
Following a successful Coalition against an adversary or a predator (often people) when the opposition has been routed, participating elephants coming together in an exuberant display apparently to celebrate and reinforce bonds. Similar behavior may be observed prior to a Group-Advance or Group-Charge and appears to be a call to targeted action among family members (see Coalition). The End-Zone-Dance is considered a form of Bonding Ceremony.

References: Poole & Granli 2021. (Full reference list)

This behavioral constellation includes the following behaviors: Defecating, Head-Raising, Open-Mouth, Open-Mouth-to-Open-Mouth, Rapid-Ear-Flapping, Reach-Touch, Roar-Rumble, Roar, Rumble-Roar-Rumble, Social-Trumpet, Tail-Raising, Temporin, Trunk-to-Mouth, Trunk-Twining, Tusk-Clank, Urinating, Rumble-Roar and occurs in the following context(s): Coalition Building


Context: Coalition Building (1)

An End-Zone-Dance is a form of Bonding-Ceremony that takes place after a defensive action. This End-Zone-Dance took place after multiple Group-Advances and multiple Group- and sustained Charges led by members of the Mabenzi family. After Valente's almost two minute Charge which was joined by the entire family, Valente and Mwana Nzo High-Five and others all gather in an End-Zone-Dance. The main players, Valente and Mwana-Nzo Rumble with Open-Mouths, while they display Rapid-Ear-Flapping, Head-Raising, Tail-Raising, and Defecating, while others join in. They reach their trunks to one another's mouth, Trunk-to-Mouth, and then display Trunk-Twining, Open-Mouth-to-Open-Mouth. Intermittently there are Social-Trumpets by other members of the family. Then Mwana Nzo initiates another Group-Advance. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)