
Purposefully brushing a (usually) flared ear against the face, head or body of another.

References: O’Connell-Rodwell et al 2011 [Ear on face & Ear on rear]; Goldenberg & Wittemyer 2018. (Full reference list)

This behavior occurs in the following context(s): Advertisement & Attraction, Affiliative


Context: Affiliative (1)

As the clip starts matriarch, gf0070, is walking our direction followed by her juvenile male. As he passes a tuskless female, possibly his older sister, he greets her Trunk-to-Mouth and purposefully rubs against her in a Social-Rub. Notice that as he does she Ear-Brushes him. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)


Context: Affiliative (2)

Tailless calf Solicits-Food from her mother, Ear-Brushing against her and reaching Trunk-to-Mouth. (Maasai Mara, Kenya)


Context: Affiliative (3)

V-Notch comes out of bushes and then sees the filmmakers - gives a little start and then, aiming for some shade under the tree she Backs-Toward Matriarch f0412 Ear-Brushing her as she moves into place. We hear Little E give a Husky-Cry in the background. (Maasai Mara, Kenya)


Context: Affiliative (4)

The clip starts with a young male in the foreground and the adolescent daughter of adult female f0254 behind. The young male has just tested (Trunk-to-Genitals) the adolescent female. She signals that she is moving on with an Ear-Flap-Slide. He reaches his trunk to her face (Trunk-to-Face) and then he, too, signals that he is moving on with a Ear-Flap-Slide. As he does she allows her ear to "purposefully" Ear-Brush his body and reaches her Trunk-to-(his)Mouth. (Maasai Mara, Kenya)


Context: Affiliative (5)

Mama Little E is standing with Little E under her belly. He is exploring with his trunk. She reaches her trunk back and uses it to lift his head and Trunk-to-Infant-at-Breast, Guiding him to her breast, whereupon he Suckles.

As Little E seem to finally Suckles, Grumpy Grandma f0412 arrives and Ear-Brushes and Social-Rubs against Mama Little E's rump and flank and then stands next to them for a moment before walking on. (Maasai Mara, Kenya)


Context: Affiliative (6)

Marshmallow of the MB family has a new infant who is asleep on the ground. She has the help of two allo-mothers in looking after it. A young male has just arrived and is Kicking the infant - in an effort to get it out of the way. The allomother at the back is concerned and we see her reach to the infant with her trunk. Then she comes rapidly to the front of the group and Backs-Toward the infant in an effort to place herself between the two. The second allomother seems to feel she was too close and Pushed her gently away and immediately gives her a Trunk-to-Genitals touch in a Conciliatory gesture. A minute later, the second allomother Ear-Brushes her as if in a second Conciliatory gesture. (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Affiliative (7)

A family group had paused here to Mud-Splash on the way to Lenkolong. Most have moved on, but this female stayed and Waited for a medium sized male to arrive. He reaches Trunk-to-Genitals and then Social-Rubs against her. She Ear-Brushes him and then engages in a deep Social-Rub against him. It is very intimate and friendly and we couldn't help but wonder what their relationship is. Might he be related to her? (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Affiliative (8)

A medium sized male approaches a female and Ear-Brushes and Social-Rubs against her and she reciprocates with an Ear-Brush. This is the second time they have engaged in this very tactile and affiliative interaction. (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Affiliative (9)

A sub-section of the AAs is feeding on grass Waiting as another part of the family approaches. The approaching adult female reaches out Trunk-to-Mouth to the Waiting adult female who flares one ear toward the approaching female and Ear-Brushes her with it. She pauses and then moves on and all depart together. (Amboseli, Kenya)