
An elephant dragging and occasionally slightly bouncing the distal and outer portion of a curled trunk on the ground making a rasping sound; often leaves a continuous or intermittent snake-like mark on the ground. Musth males, particularly, may drag and bounce their trunks along the ground for long distances (3 kilometers has been observed) when Walking or Tracking another elephant; musth males and elephants of both sexes may drag their trunks on the ground as a threat at very close range.

References: Kahl & Armstrong 2002; Poole & Granli 2003; Poole & Granli 2011. (Full reference list)

This behavior occurs in the following context(s): Advertisement & Attraction, Aggressive, Attacking & Mobbing


Context: Attacking & Mobbing (1)

This is a 2 minute Charge by Valente, gf0013, (followed by the others in a Group-Charge) who takes over from Marcela, gf0017, who took over from Mwana Nzo, gf0016, who led the first Charge after Provocadora initiated the Group-Charge. Note Valente’s Ear-Spreading throughout. She does a lot of Trunk-Bounce-Drag (only parts of which are marked) and gives a couple of Trumpet-Blasts that are not very effective - perhaps due to her physical effort. At one point she pauses Reaching-High as if her job is complete, but then renews her Charge trying to cut us off as we turn. She clearly understands the arc of our movement and how to best catch us. When she finally figures she has done her job she stops and goes to meet the others who are coming up behind her. It is at this point they have the End-Zone-Dance. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)


Context: Attacking & Mobbing (2)

Valente, gf0013, leads a Group-Charge. As she Charges she lowers her head and drags and bounces her trunk along the ground in a Trunk-Bounce-Drag and ends with a Forward-Trunk-Swing. Each Forward-Trunk-Swings is associated with what she intends to be a Trumpet-Blast, though it comes out as more of a Snort. She returns to her family and they Bunch together and vocalize. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)


Context: Attacking & Mobbing (3)

Mwana Nzo, gf0016, Charges at us at the lead of the group. Note her Forward-Trunk-Swing at us some of which include Trunk-Bounce-Drag. Someone is giving Trumpet-Blasts - mostly likely Mwana Nzo. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)


Context: Attacking & Mobbing (4)

As part of a long Group-Charge Marcela, gf0017, takes over from Mwana Nzo, gf0016. Here she is in full Charge. Notice how she raises her Head-High and lowers it. When her head is lowered she engages in Trunk-Bounce-Drag. She Trumpet-Blasts twice and as we pull away and she slows and Head-Dip-Touch-Ground twice. Her Charge is replaced by Valente, gf0012. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)


Context: Attacking & Mobbing (5)

This is GoPro footage: Valente, gf0013, leads a Group-Charge. As she Charges she lowers her head and drags and bounces her trunk along the ground in a Trunk-Bounce-Drag and ends with a Forward-Trunk-Swing. Each Forward-Trunk-Swings is associated with what she intends to be a Trumpet-Blast, though it comes out as more of a Snort. She returns to her family and they Bunch together and vocalize. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)