
Holding the trunk in a relaxed position (hanging down, resting on the ground or over a trunk), but with the tip of the trunk curled under and around such that the trunk fingers point in the direction of an object of interest (often behind or to its side). As the individual sniffs the fingers of the trunk can be seen to partially open and close. This behavior is a component of a number of Attentive, Vigilant behavioral constellations. J-Trunk is a subtle form of sniffing and appears to be used when the individual would not necessarily have reason to make others aware of his or her object of interest or plan.

For example, J-Trunk is typical of a young male around an estrus female, who may wish not to alert higher ranking males of his intentions. In contrast, Periscope-Trunk, Trunk-Sweep and Horizontal-Trunk are conspicuous movements and typically cause other elephants to take notice and adopt similar behavior and appear to be done to draw the attention of others.

J-Trunk occurs in all age/sex groups except young calves and infants.

References: Poole & Granli 2021. (Full reference list)

This behavior occurs in the following context(s): Advertisement & Attraction, Ambivalent, Attacking & Mobbing, Attentive, Conflict & Confrontation, Vigilance


Context: Attacking & Mobbing (1)

Rui, in musth, Advances-Toward us sniffing with a J-Trunk. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)


Context: Attacking & Mobbing (2)

Provocadora, gf0012, stands Contemplating us with a J-Trunk. Her calf adopts a Periscope-Trunk as she tries to Solicit-Suckling, but Provocadora has other things on her mind and begins a Purposeful-Walk Advance-Toward us as she initiates a Group-Advance. She pauses and sniffs toward the others as if to see whether they are with her and she proceeds toward us with them backing her up; she adopts a J-Trunk several more times. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)