
Holding liquid (e.g. water or mud) in the trunk or between the trunk fingers and, with a sharp exhalation, causing the liquid to be ejected from the nostrils in a thin, fast stream or jet.

References: Poole & Granli 2021. (Full reference list)

This behavior occurs in the following context(s): Foraging & Comfort Technique


Context: Foraging & Comfort Technique (1)

Pascal is in musth. He has stopped to mudsplash. Here we see him suck mud into his trunk and Trunk-Squirt it into the orifice of his ear with a loud splat. He then uses his trunk to work the mud around in he ear opening. He goes back to sucking mud into his trunk and making Trunk-Squelching type sounds as he elongates and squeezes his trunk in a Trunk-Suction. (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Foraging & Comfort Technique (2)

Pascal is in full musth. He is in a water hole Listening and occasionally Mud-Splashing and Drinking. Here he uses a Trunk-Squirt method to douse his face with water. (Amboseli, Kenya)