
One elephant presses all or part of its body against another.

References: O’Connell-Rodwell et al 2011. (Full reference list)

This behavior occurs in the following context(s): Affiliative, Aggressive, Social Play


Context: Social Play (1)

Two young males have been Sparring and Mounting one another. Then they become curious about us and Walk-Toward our car and Stand next to us for a long time. In this clip they stand within 2 meters of our car and Lean on one another. (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Social Play (2)

Two young males have been Sparring and Mounting one another. Then they become curious about us and Walk-Toward our car and Stand next to us for a long time. In this clip they stand within 2 meters of our car and begin to Lean on one another. The Leaning turns to Pushing and then into a Sparring match. (Amboseli, Kenya)


Context: Aggressive (1)

The AA family is in Ol Tukai Orok. Angelina is with her infant twins when a 3 year old male (most likely Astrid's 2017, although his tusks seem long to be him) arrives Ear-Folding and begins Pushing, Kicking-Back, Head-Swiping and Tusking the twins. He even backs into and Leans on one pressing it into and under Angelina.

We hear the infants give 2 Husky-Cries. Angelina is surprisingly gently with him - she give him a Forward-Trunk-Swing and he stops his aggression. The allomothers look quite alarmed. (Amboseli, Kenya)