
Self-directed touching of the face (mouth, ear, trunk, tusk or temporal gland) or chest, with the fingers or tip of the trunk. Very often in the context of an interaction with another elephant, but may be seen in any context where an elephant appears uneasy or stressed. Likely analogous to the way we might scratch our head or rub our face when feeling socially or otherwise uncomfortable or unsure.

References: Kühme 1961; Poole 1999a; Poole & Granli 2003; Kahl & Armstrong 2000 [Touch-Face]. (Full reference list)

This behavior occurs in the following context(s): Affiliative, Ambivalent, Conflict & Confrontation, Social Play, Vigilance


Context: Conflict & Confrontation (1)

A large adult female f0043, and member of Big Mama's family Touch-Self; this occurs immediately after she threatens something out of view and Stands-Tall. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)


Context: Conflict & Confrontation (2)

The I family is Bunching. Isabella, gf0038, is on the left. She shows J-Trunk and Head-Swinging and then Touch-Self x 2. There is apprehension in the group. We then see iJunia gf0005 Initiate-Movement at the back of the group with a mild Ear-Slap and all including gf0038 turn to follow her - it is as if they have been Waiting. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)


Context: Conflict & Confrontation (3)

The I family is Bunching and watching us. iJunia, gf0005, and Isabella, gf0038, are Head-Swinging; iJunia shows J-Trunk and Isabella Trunk-Flick-Down. Both Touch-Self. (Gorongosa, Mozambique)